managing your church perpetual cemetery fund was as simple as receiving an annual check? What if your fund also received an additional $1,000 contribution?
Perpetual cemetery funds must be handled with care. First of all, these funds must be maintained separately from regular church funds. And second, many cemetery committees manage perpetual funds, meaning that the purpose of the fund is to provide a stream of income that can continue to be used for maintaining the cemetery far into the future. Long after you’re gone and maybe even after the church is gone, the cemetery will need to be maintained. That’s why proper administration of a perpetual fund is so important. What’s more, the laws governing endowments, or perpetual funds, require that the funds be invested, principal preserved, and income distributed in such a way that the fund will continue to thrive for perpetuity.
The Baptist Foundation of South Carolina can help church cemetery committees with the maintenance and administration of their perpetual funds. The Foundation has the means and expertise to invest and govern these funds to ensure compliance with the law and provide a solid annual income stream to pay for cemetery maintenance and upkeep. What’s more, the Foundation will handle all contributions to the fund, receipt all incoming funds, and provide an accurate account statement to let your committee know how your fund is performing and how much you can expect to receive each year. Further, the Foundation staff is always available to meet with your cemetery committee to provide fund updates and to share ways to promote future gifts to the fund.
What does this mean for your cemetery committee? It means you don’t have to worry about whether your fund is being managed properly. It means you won’t have to worry about keeping up with who has given to the fund and making sure they get a receipt. It means that your perpetual fund will be maintained according to the law. And, best of all, it means that all your committee will have to worry about is receiving the annual check so that the cemetery can be properly maintained.
What about an additional $1,000 contribution? For a limited time, the Foundation is continuing to offer our “Celebrate 60!” incentive program to assist churches that want to establish a permanent endowment (perpetual fund) for cemetery upkeep or for other purposes. Churches/ministries that establish a new permanent endowment for $9,000 or add an additional $9,000 to an existing endowment may qualify to receive an additional contribution of $1,000 from the Foundation!